About PayPay / PayPayについて
PayPay is a FinTech company that has grown to over 65M (as of August 2024) users since its launch in 2018. Our team is hugely diverse with members from over 50 different countries.
We dare to believe that we do not need a clear vision to create a future beyond our imagination. PayPay will always stay true to our roots and realize a vision (future) that no one else can imagine by constantly taking risks and challenging ourselves. With this mindset, you will be presented with new and exciting opportunities on a daily basis and have the opportunity to grow and reach new dimensions that you could never have imagined. We are looking for people who can embrace this challenge, refresh the product at breakneck speed and promote PayPay with professionalism and passion.
※ Please note that you cannot apply or be selected in parallel with PayPay Corporation, PayPay Card Corporation and PayPay Securities Corporation.
※ PayPay株式会社へご応募いただく際にはPayPayカード株式会社、PayPay証券株式会社へ併願応募はご遠慮いただいております。ご了承ください。
Job Description / 業務について
The PayPay Product Team is working hard to not just provide a QR code payment system, but to use that payment functionality as a starting point in delivering to users more touch-points that remove inconveniences from their lives and deliver new value.
All copy displayed on the app has a significant impact on the user experience. We are looking for a UX Writer to join the team and together with designers promote a product design that considers the user experience first and foremost.
サービス内に表示される文言のひとつひとつがユーザーの体験に大きな影響を与えます。デザイナーと共にユーザー体験を第一に考えたプロダクトづくりを推進するUX Writerを募集します。
Position Overview
You will be creating, proofreading, and proposing user-friendly and easy-to-understand UX copy in English for the UI across the app, working with engineers, product managers, and designers under the support of the Senior UX Writer.
- Write microcopy in English for the PayPay app.
- Proofread and correct English copy based on Japanese designs.
- Write microcopy based on research data.
You will be responsible for writing English microcopy that matches our voice and tone, under our Senior UX Writer.
- Write various types of microcopy used throughout the app.
- Propose the most suitable copy for users while respecting the writing guidelines, design and development status.
Required Skills
- English native level
- Either A or B below:
A: Japanese to English translation (3 years minimum), or Japanese to English localization (2 years minimum)
B: UX or content writing experience in English (2 years minimum)
Preferred Skills:
- Basic knowledge about websites and mobile apps (iOS/Android)
- Basic user flow and UI design knowledge.
- Japanese proficiency level: intermediate to business
Desired Characteristics:
- Motivated to learn about UX Writing and develop writing skills
- Passionate about language, communication and different cultures
- Flexible attitude and keen to take on new challenges
- Can proactively seek out problems and propose improvements
- Can work in fast-paced environment
- Values teamwork and can communicate smoothly with other members
- Can positively incorporate feedback from team lead and use it to make improvements
シニアUX Writerのサポートのもと、エンジニア、プロダクトマネージャー、デザイナーと共に、アプリ、WebサービスのUIやガイドページついて、ユーザーフレンドリーで分かりやすいUXコピーの作成、校正、提案を、日本語で行っていただきます。
- PayPayアプリ、加盟店向けアプリ、Webツール内のUI文言の作成・文構成・校正
- 英語で作成されたデザインの校正・日本語コピーの作成・文構成
シニアUX Writerと共に、PayPayのトーン&マナーに沿った、ユーザーフレンドリーで分かりやすいUXライティングを行っていただきます。
- アプリ、Webツール内に表示されるマイクロコピー、プッシュ通知、メールなどでのユーザーコミニュケーションに利用する文章など、様々な文言の作成。
- ライティングガイドラインを遵守し、デザインや開発条件に合わせて、ユーザーにとって最適な文言を提案する。
- 社内外共にリサーチを行い、データを元に文言を作成する。
- ネイティブレベルの日本語スキル
- 以下2つの内どちらか
A: 3年以上の英日翻訳の経験、または2年以上の英→日のローカリゼーション経験
B: 日本語でのUXライティング/コンテンツライティングの経験
- Webサイトやモバイルアプリ(iOS/Android)の基礎知識
- 基本的なユーザーフローやUIデザインの知見
- 日常会話、読み書きが可能なレベルの英語スキル
- 経験がなくても、UXライティングのスキルを専門職として身につける意欲のある方
- 言語や文化に対する探究心をお持ちの方
- 柔軟性があり、新しいことへのチャレンジが好きな方
- 自ら課題を発見し、改善方法を提案する力のある方
- スピード感を持って物事を前に進めることができる方
- チームワークを重視し、他職種とのコミニュケーションを円滑に行える方
- 学ぶ意欲があり、周囲からのフィードバックを前向きに受け取り改善ができる方
PayPay 5 senses
- Please refer PayPay 5 senses to learn what we value at work.
Working Conditions
Employment Status
- Full Time
Office Location
- WFA(Work From Anywhere at Anytime)
- Remote Job
- You can live anywhere in Japan
Work Hours
- Super Flex Time (No Core Time)
- In principle, 10:00am-6:45pm (actual working hours: 7h45m + 1h break)
- Every Sat/Sun/National holidays (In Japan)/New Year's break/Company-designated Special days
Paid leave
- Annual leave (up to 14 days in the first year, granted proportionally according to the month of employment. Can be used from the date of hire)
- Personal leave (5 days each year, granted proportionally according to the month of employment)
* PayPay's own special paid leave system, which can be used to attend to illnesses, injuries, hospital visits, etc., of the employee, family members, pets, etc.
- Annual salary paid in 12 installments (monthly)
- Based on skills, experience, and abilities
- Reviewed once a year
- Special Incentive once a year *Based on company performance and individual contribution and evaluation
- Late overtime allowance, Work from anywhere allowance (JPY100,000)
* Payroll payment can be changed to digital salary payment “PayPay Paycheck” for an amount set by you
- Social Insurance (health insurance, employee pension, employment insurance and compensation insurance)
- 401K
- Language Learning support
- Translation/Interpretation support
- VISA sponsor + Relocation support
- 正社員
- WFA(Work From Anywhere at Anytime)
- 原則在宅勤務(自宅もしくはサテライトオフィスにてリモートワーク)
- 全国居住可能
- スーパーフレックス制(コアタイム無し)
- 原則:午前10時~午後6時45分(実働7時間45分+休憩時間 1時間)
- 年次有給休暇(初年度14日間、入社月に応じて按分付与。入社日から使用可)
- パーソナル休暇(毎年度5日間、(毎年度5日間付与/初年度入社月により3日間もしくは5日間付与)
- 年俸制(一部固定残業代含む)
- 経験、スキル、業績、貢献度に応じ当社規定により決定
- 毎年1回見直し
- 会社業績および個人貢献度により特別一時金(インセンティブ)を支給(年1回)
- 時間外勤務手当、深夜勤務手当、在宅勤務手当(年10万円)有
- 社会保険(健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険)
- 企業型確定拠出年金制度
- 語学学習のサポート